If you answered Yes to any of these then
you could probably benefit from a Detoxification Programme
or Full Purification!
Detoxification Programme (with optional Journeywork and Colonics)
- You
will let go of years of old toxic crap - on all
- You
will feel emotionally and physically lighter and
have more energy available for healing.
- You will have the basis for a healthy eating plan which you will
feel empowered to continue with.
Tracey has developed a programme that you can do
in your own home to support your own healing.
Drawn from the work of Max Gerson, Dr Schulze and
Dr Christopher, the programme emphasises detoxification,
nutrition and herbal support for stressed body systems.
The Detoxification Programme is a tailor made programme to help you achieve
a level of vibrant good health and includes:
Personal Health Analysis & Programme
Powerful but gentle Herbal Liver, Bowel & Lymph cleansing
2 week preparatory diet and herbal programme
3 day Juice Fast with herbal supplements
Optional Parasite/Candida/Gallbladder/Kidney cleansing when appropriate
Follow-up consultation and advice after the cleanse
Although you will benefit from the Detoxification
Programme on its own, it is strongly recommended,
if you are able to, to combine it with colonics
and a Journey-Massage during the 3 day Juice
Fast as part of the programme to
increase its effects and assist deeper healing.
you could benefit from an easy, complete programme
you can do in your own home to help clear out the
toxins blocking vibrant health and mental or emotional
clarity, contact us today.
Full Purification Programme (with
daily Journeywork in small groups)
- Physical
conditions can heal faster as over 30% extra energy
is available for healing.
- Your
deepest issues come up to be healed as old encrusted
matter on the bowel is cleared.
- You will feel more energised and lighter, have healthier bowel habits
and excess weight can fall away.
The Purification Programme is designed to clear out toxins on every level.
You will feel emotionally and physically lighter and
have more energy. Physical conditions can heal faster
as over 30% extra energy, diverted from the resting
bowel, is available for healing.
Our deepest core issues rise to the surface to be healed during cellular
Doing regular intensive Journeywork during a deep
tissue cleanse helps us to let go of these old unhealthy
This programme is particularly useful if you have chronic, life threatening,
serious illness or core emotional issues you are ready
to set yourself free from. It has helped turn around
many peoples lives.
was inspired by the cleansing programme Brandon Bays
put herself on to support the emotional clearing during
the period after she was diagnosed with a tumour.
Brandon supported her body’s healing
with a regime including juices, organic fruit and
vegetables, pure water, colonics and bodywork to support
her regular Journey processing.
After using gentle detoxing in her Homeopathic practice for
some years Tracey was astounded on the first Journey
Purification Retreat to see how much people
were able to shift emotionally and physically, in
such a short time when regular intensive Journeywork
was supported by deep-tissue detoxification and bodywork.
The results were phenomenal!
Tracey found helping Brandon and The Journey team run The Journey
Purification Retreats incredibly rewarding and started
incorporating this work more in her general practice.
Over 7 years ago Tracey developed a programme that people from
all over Europe can begin in
your own home to support your own healing.
Drawn from the work of Max Gerson, Dr Schulze and
Dr Christopher, the programme emphasises detoxification, nutrition and herbal support
for stressed body systems.
Similar to the programme at the Journey Purification
retreats, Tracey now offers the
deep tissue cleansing, with Herbal bowel and liver cleansing,
Homeopathy and Nutritional advice of the Detoxification programme with daily Journeywork, Journey-Massage
and Colonics, in small groups. Unlike other
detoxification programmes which focus on bowel cleansing
without supporting the emotional cleansing which this
precipitates, this programme includes Journeywork
at it's very heart.
It is the only deep-tissue detoxification
programme in the world which includes Journey-Massage, a powerful therapy using Deep-tissue,
Pulsing and Swedish massage, Myofacial Release Technique,
Cranio-sacral Therapy, Reiki healing and chakra energy
balancing to help facilitate and support deeper Journey
The Purification Programme is a tailor made programme
to help you achieve a level of vibrant good
health. It includes:
Health Analysis & Programme
Journey processing
Daily Colonics
but gentle Herbal Liver, Bowel & Lymph cleansing
week preparatory diet and herbal programme
day Juice Fast with herbal supplements
Energizer Aqua-Detox Machine sessions
parasite/Gallbladder/Kidney cleansing when appropriate
pressed Juices
meal on final day!
& sharing
and teachings on cleansing and supporting yourself
on how to continue good dietary habits afterwards
After an initial Health
Analysis consultation, which takes place either
in person or over the phone, you will be sent supplements
and details of how to prepare at home for the 2
week preparatory Herbal programme to enable
you to get the most benefit from the intensive
3 day Juice Fast at the clinic.
During the Juice Fast you will
not feel hungry due to the use of regular thick
cleansing drinks used to enhance the cleanse. Juices
and soups will be available throughout the day whenever
you want. You will be supported throughout the cleanse
on all levels.
To maintain individual
groups will be limited to 6 or 8.
Sessions will take place during the 3 days of you
Juice Fast at Tracey’s clinic in North London. Small
groups allow you to support and share your feelings
with each other in a completely safe manner. There
are large parks outside the clinic where you can take
gentle nature walks.
In order to keep cost down you can go back home in the evenings
if you are London based, arrange to stay with Journey
friends or family or at a local B&B (from £22
per night).
Why we support deep-tissue cleansing
with daily Journeywork
Your colon contains between 8 and 10 pounds of impacted
These old faeces obstruct the flow through your colon
by up to 80% and prevent the assimilation and full
nourishment of what you eat. Further, this is usually
accompanied by auto-intoxification, literally “self-poisoning”
by reabsorbing wastes into the bloodstream. This puts
a huge burden on the other organs of elimination,
the kidneys, skin and lungs.
Encrusted waste matter in the bowel can be inches thick, storing
old emotional hurts as well as preventing the absorption
of nutrients. When you detoxify you will experience
a cleansing of the toxic thoughts and feelings too.
As old faecal matter
starts being cleaned away old, stuck emotions
come up to be processed and are able to be released as they arise. This
can facilitate huge shifts.
Our deepest core issues rise to the surface
to be healed during cellular detoxification. Doing regular
intensive Journeywork during a deep tissue cleanse
helps us to let go of these old unhealthy emotions.
Colonics, although extremely useful, are not essential to the programme.
We can adapt the programme to suit your requirements.
Listen to what your body really needs.
For many this can be a life changing experience. They
have been able to heal deep physical and emotional
issues and turn around their relationship
with food using the programme.
"I am doing really well now. I have huge energy and
have lost the excess
weight I'd not been able to shift. My sensitivity
to chemicals and the headaches I was getting have completely gone. I am
continuing mainly on the pre cleanse diet as I
feel so amazing on it."
“An incredible experience and cleanse. Thank you for your
wonderful touch and healing.”
“Thank you for providing me with a very significant opening
and healing.”
“Miracles are happening!”
There is a great power
in working as a group, as anyone who has been to a
Journey Intensive or Retreat will know!
This is the only small group deep-tissue detoxification
programme in the world which includes Journey-Massage,
daily Journey Work and Colonics. Be prepared to clean
out at every level!
There is a
special early-bird discount rate of 10% off if paid
in full 1 month in advance.
Full Purification
After Early-bird Discount £684
If this is what you have been looking for and your heart is
being called then email Tracey now on:
Tel: 020 8352 2030
International: 00 44 20 8352 2030
Email: tracey@journey-massage.com